Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 41

Fabric In This Week: 0 yards
Fabric In This Year: 78.451 yards

Fabric Out This Week: 3.5 yards
Fabric Out This Year: 157.028 yards

Fabric Busted This Year: 78.577 yards

This week not much sewing got done. I am trying to finish up Judy's Freeze Frame quilt, I am calling mine Twisted Christmas. I am finishing Hour 10 tonight and hoping to start Hour 11. Having a baby on Hour 9 delayed me a little. I am determined to get this top done this week. I did end up cutting 1 yard of fabric to make the pieced border.

The bulk of my yardage out was 2.5 yards in 2 1/2" strips my mom cut from my stash to use for a class she is taking in 2 weeks. I figure out yardage was out yardage!

This next week I need to finish Twisted Christmas quilt, finish the Alice in Wonderland costume and piece the top for the HHR clubs raffle quilt. I will use some yardage on the two quilts, so my goal this week is 3 yards busted.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are so energetic! Hope you and the little one are feeling well! :) Take care, Dianne B. in England

Lisa said...

You just had a baby, it is okay to rest for awile.