Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 31

Fabric in this week: 0 yards
Fabric in this year: 45.791 yards

Fabric Busted this week: .125 yards
Fabric Busted this year: 107.196 yards

Total Busted: 61.405 yards

Really should I even post that I used and eighth of a yard?

Next week I am hoping for more impressive numbers. Delaney will be gone for 5 days and I get to go to a free sew for my guild on Saturday. I am actually hoping to quilt 3 quilts this week. I still need to piece 2 backs and get borders on another one. That should give me some yardage busted!

My goal is no more than 5 yards in and 8 yards busted.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I guess a 1/4 of a yard is better than none.